In 1996, Roberto Coin was a successful hotelier who needed more passionate adventure in his life. His chosen passion, fine jewelry, has become a trend-setter recognized worldwide for his art, which blends the best elements from disparate cultures into distinctive pieces.
Roberto Coin's reputation preceded him at Lee Michaels, but as soon as we saw his work, we knew we must provide his fine jewelry to the people of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. From the fine pendants featuring the initials of your beloved, to his signature gold bangles, you're sure to find something that will dazzle and delight the one who's important to you.
About the Brand
Roberto Coin is located in the city of Vicenza. Like a woman’s beauty magnified by jewels, this magical place is also called the City of Gold, a source of infinite design inspirations and ancestral know-how.
Taste and experimentation turn each creation into an unedited example of style and innovation that soon catches the attention of the jewelry world, placing the brand among the most renowned Italian jewelers and at the top of international studies on creativity and quality.
Each piece, by Roberto Coin, is the result of a thorough process, a journey among different cultures and multi-ethnic influences, through the world of nature, between echoes of the past and future projections. The capability to transfer the most varied experiences, dreams and perspectives into the jewels, characterizes the brand’s collections with an unmistakable mark of identity and uniqueness.
About the Ruby
Roberto Coin signs each one of his pieces with a small ruby casted inside the jewel, in direct contact with the skin of who wears it. This magical signature, surrounded by an antique halo of legend, represents the message of good wishes that Roberto Coin dedicates to his passionate clientele..
His signature hallmark ruby is now synthetically produced. The jeweler has stated that the only way he can be sure his signature ruby is conflict-free and ethically sourced is by using synthetically produced diamonds.
Roberto & Lee: A Friendship of 20+ Years
Roberto Coin's reputation preceded him at Lee Michaels, but as soon as we saw his work, we knew we must provide his fine jewelry to the people of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico. From the fine pendants featuring the initials of your beloved, to his signature gold bangles, you're sure to find something that will dazzle and delight the one who's important to you.
Shop Roberto Coin
Explore some of the bestselling, most iconic and newest designs by Roberto Coin at any Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry store or browse an assorment by collection online below.
Frequently asked questions about Roberto Coin, the brand, jewelry care and more
Roberto Coin FAQs
Available In Stores & Online
Classic, yet modern. browse styles by Roberto Coin at any Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry store. Beautifully inspire by his travels throughout the world, Roberto Coin’s designs exemplify timeless craftsmanship and are characterized by an unmistakable mark of identity and uniqueness. Find a Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry store in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, Louisiana, Jackson, Mississippi, San Antonio, Texas and Albuquerque, New Mexico.